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Preliminary site IA diagram

Preliminary site IA diagram used to help us collaborate with the client in mapping requirements to site structures

Scenario relationship map

Character map for prototyping site functionality based on persona relationships

Family modeling tool

Build your family - A key entry point to getting involved and cultivating connections is this 'model your family' widget. See next slide

Adding details to family members

Adding details - Once defined, member's details can be added. From there, the system can propagate root structures between all relevant connections accordingly

Relationship Navigator

Relationship Navigator - Taken further: the user can dynamically explore relationships, then create events, invitations and targeted communications more intuitively.

Initial Calendar set-up

Calendar set-up - From there, a calendar can be set up. The Class Parent is provided with a number of drag and drop 'template' events to get started and find inspiration.

Example of a main feed landing page

Main feed landing page - We leveraged people's familiarity with social website paradigms to aid in adaptation. We gave more 'dimension' to the hover states, so parents could better understand relationships between kids and parents, and engage more effectively.

Hover-on-hover concept

Hover-on-hover - the user can quickly see the main person's family relationships, and the connections they have with the user's family.

Calendar with Playdate  Radar

Monthly Calendar with personal and public events. Playdate Radar shows available friends based on relationship and transportation.


Sandbox is a concept social network for parents of school children. It allows designated 'Class Parents', to help organize other parents of kids in the same school, class, camp and activity group.


Parents can organize events, fundraising, gift-giving, share media, comments and the like. Better information is available for parents about their children's friends as well: their interests, special needs and availability for sleepovers or activities.


The family relationship structure, and its inherent need for both direct and 'lateral' communication (e.g.: communicating to child through parent), made this social network framework a very interesting challenge to design.

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